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I have had studios in Boston, (There was a white carpet on the floor. Yikes), in Pittsburgh (I shared that with two large dogs), in Bay Village (wonderful), in Ft Myers (some would think of it as a dining room) and Florida (used to be the family room). They were all filled with easels, a tabouret (table to hold paints), scattered  paintings leaning on walls, shelves of paint supplies, and in Bay Village I have, on one end, a desk, computer and things to make the business end work. And I do have the luxury of a recliner so I can get off of my feet once in a while. One more thing…a work bench and a miter saw.  ◊◊◊  It’s my favorite place to be…next to the kitchen where I can keep an eye on dinner and play my music. Accomplished fine art painter.



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