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0980 Boston Market 30x30
0813 Hamptons Market 16x20
0850 Blue Umbrellas Naples 16x20
0006 Family Inside Market 30x30
0007 Men Cart Market 30x30
0060 Meat Vendors 48x48
0694 Cafe del Flores 36x72
0703 Atlanta Cafe Umbrellas 30x40
0705 Toronto Market 30x40
0799 Two Guys and Tomatoes 16x20
0788 WS Market Fruit Vendors 9x12
0701 Little Italy 30x40
0809 Hamptons Market 16x20
0814 Outdoor FL Cafe 36x36
0832 Hamptons Market 24x30
When I first began to paint, it was because it was a joy to mix colors and put them down with a brush on canvas. It has taken on a life of its own. One of the first big shows that I had in a hospital was at University Hospital’s Main Campus where the paintings are displayed along the walls of a long wide hallway. There are hundreds of people who go through there every day. Some are clearly on a mission and walk with their heads down. Others stop and really look at the art. Others comment and smile. The one comment that I hear more than anything is, “Oh…the color!” I have since learned that this is the reason that I paint. Accomplished fine art painter.
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